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Set (2) Surfblanks Fibreglass 2 1/2" MF Side Bites (Futures compatible) - 2 1/2" deep with 3" base Fin Box in photo not included
Quality, transparent/tinted, solid fibreglass fins with high shine finish.
Meant to be used in shallow Futures boxes set ahead of a small to medium centre single fin in the traditional (1970's) tri fin set up.
They could also be used as very small trail fins.
The side bites are designed to hold the rail in on a hard turn. Rail fins cause the board to stand more on edge naturally as opposed to a single centre fin. The turn arc is often tightened as a result of this. Back end surfing of the board is enhanced with centre fin size reduction though nose riding may suffer.
High quality, 100% fiberglass fins – made in the traditional way with E glass and polyester resin, for greater strength. These fins will probably outlast the boards they are mounted in by many lifetimes.
This is the most expensive way to make fins, yet the prices Surfblanks offers are very reasonable.
Honeycomb core fins hidden behind graphics are very cheap to make by comparison, but have poor strength and durability.
Transparent resin tints are used so that light filters through the glass matrix and creates magical colours.
Cant on the lead fins is 6.5 degrees.
Cant on quad trailers is 3 degrees.
Cant on side bites is 5 degrees.
$63.44 $35.00
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